What’s included…
To this course, to the industry, to terminology that you’ll need to understand no matter whether you’re a hobbyist, in community or college radio, or already at a commercial radio station.
Setting a solid foundation
What are the first things you need to be doing on and off the air? How to effectively shift prep & plan breaks? Even down to the way you should sound.
Costs you nothing while you get the vibe of the course. You’ve literally got nothing to lose, and a future career in capital city radio to gain!
Radio101 - The Basics
Designed to get you up and running, with skills and mindsets not taught in traditional radio schools
1: Course Introduction
What Can You Expect: Find out what the course is all about, and why you’ve made a excellent decision to invest in yourself..
2. Terminology
Sorting Through The Jargon: There’s a lot of weird phrases and funny abbreviations in radio, let’s run through the most used..
3. Hi, this is Radio Announcing
What Even Is This Crazy Job? No matter which country you’re from, or what language you broadcast in, these are the universal fundamentals of radio..
4. Starting Out
Off Air: Things you should be doing before even walking into the studio..
On Air: Walking before running sounds boring, but the rest of your career is going to be a massive, non-stop sprint..
5. Be Prepared
Filters: Before anything, you need to know who you’re speaking to..
Shift Prep: Should you really be spending 30 minutes planning for every hour you’re on air..?
Planning The Break: Now we’re really getting into the nuts and bolts of it - what to say, when, and how…