ULTIMATE package
What’s included…
So. Many. Videos.
All the content from BASIC & ADVANCED. The art of getting The Perfect Caller, better ways to emotionally connect with your audience, and all the advice I would pass onto my younger self to make the journey easier.
Emotionally connect.
There’s a reason why some announcers are cookie-cutter, while others leave an impact when they broadcast.. Learn the ways to qiuckly and effectively connect with your audience in a meaningful way.
Get that job!
Find out what the person who hires annoucners is actually looking for - get to the top of pile with a few simple tweaks to your resume, and how to build the perfect demo.
Radio101 - Ultimate
Everything from ‘Basic’, combined with all the modules from ‘Advanced’, with *secret knowledge on how to get noticed when applying for jobs, best ways to structure your demo + more!
1: Course Introduction
What Can You Expect: Find out what the course is all about, and why you’ve made a excellent decision to invest in yourself..
2. Terminology
Sorting Through The Jargon: There’s a lot of weird phrases and funny abbreviations in radio, let’s run through the most used..
3. Hi, this is Radio Announcing
What Even Is This Crazy Job? No matter which country you’re from, or what language you broadcast in, these are the universal fundamentals of radio..
4. Starting Out
Off Air: Things you should be doing before even walking into the studio..
On Air: Walking before running sounds boring, but the rest of your career is going to be a massive, non-stop sprint..
5. Be Prepared
Filters: Before anything, you need to know who you’re speaking to..
Shift Prep: Should you really be spending 30 minutes planning for every hour you’re on air..?
Planning The Break: Now we’re really getting into the nuts and bolts of it - what to say, when, and how…
6. Technique
Sound Like A Pro No Matter Where You Are: Whether you're at home or in studio, we’ll get you sounding professional..
7. The Sound
How To Nail Tone: This is one element that few get right early on, and could be what’s holding you back now…
8. Forward Selling
4 (Four) Ways To Hook The Audience In: The aim of the ENTIRE game is to keep your listeners listening, and now it’s easier than ever..
9. Localism
Sound Like A Local, Whether Or Not You’re In Market: The power of sounding local, and a whole bunch of verbal tricks to make it sound like you actually are..
10. Creativity
Breaking The Monotony: How to say the same 3 things in 20 different ways..
First Ask Yourself ‘Who Even Am I’: What kind of broadcaster do you want to be? The creative stuff follows on from that..
11. Segueing
The Bits Between Your Talking: Don’t just pay attention to your voice - let’s make your whole shift sing too..
12. Emotional Connection
Become a Master Manipulator: You’ll probably skip this part. Typical.
13. Callers
Make Them The Star, And You’ll Get The Glow: Applying what’s in this module means there’s no such things as a ‘bad caller’ in your shift…
14. Editing
Self, Grab, Caller.. It’s All Editing Baby! What you chose to leave out is WAY more important than what you leave in..
15. Applying For Jobs
Follow These Steps To (Odds On) Get That Callback: It’s so simple, but so few are actually doing it..
16. Lastly..
Make These Your Daily Habits: Setting up some good OCD-aligned habits to make your future self happy..